
Answers to All Your Spiritual Counseling Questions

Finding clarity through life's challenges can be difficult – but getting spiritual counseling doesn’t have to be.  

If you’re working with a Spiritual Counselor or Experiential Healer for the first time, feeling anxious or scared about the process is natural. You might be wondering, “What is Spiritual Counseling? or How can you help me heal?”

To guide you during the process, I put together a list of the most common questions about working with a spiritual counselor who helps with life transitions. So you won't have to worry about how spiritual counseling works - and can start focusing on healing yourself.

My specialty in spiritual counseling is helping people who are struggling with a major life transition or stepping into a new, uncertain phase of life like:

  • Graduating high school or college.
  • Becoming a parent or trying to be a better parent.
  • Going through a divorce, separation, or break in your relationship.
  • Retiring from work, switching careers, or leaving the workforce.
  • Becoming an empty nester after the kids are gone.

My spiritual counseling practice aims to help you find clarity when your life feels chaotic and out of control. But I also help individuals and couples who are:

  • Going through a personal change or spiritual crisis.
  • Curious to learn more about themselves.
  • Questioning their beliefs or religious upbringing.
  • Want to do deeper work on the soul level.
  • Unhappy with the traditional talk therapy model.
  • Want to live a more meaningful life.

So if you’re looking for some guidance, reach out to me. I’m here to guide you through events, thoughts, or feelings that stop you from moving forward. 


Who do you work with?

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My specialty in spiritual counseling is helping people who are struggling with a major life transition or stepping into a new, uncertain phase of life like:

  • Graduating high school or college.
  • Becoming a parent or trying to be a better parent.
  • Going through a divorce, separation, or break in your relationship.
  • Retiring from work, switching careers, or leaving the workforce.
  • Becoming an empty nester after the kids are gone.

My spiritual counseling practice aims to help you find clarity when your life feels chaotic and out of control. But I also help individuals and couples who are:

  • Going through a personal change or spiritual crisis.
  • Curious to learn more about themselves.
  • Questioning their beliefs or religious upbringing.
  • Want to do deeper work on the soul level.
  • Unhappy with the traditional talk therapy model.
  • Want to live a more meaningful life.

So if you’re looking for some guidance, reach out to me. I’m here to guide you through events, thoughts, or feelings that stop you from moving forward. 

Who do you work with?

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As a Spiritual Counselor and Experiential Healer, I offer three main services to help you heal: Depth Hypnosis, Applied Shamanic Counseling, and Shamanic Healing Techniques. 

The service that best fits you will depend on what you’re going through and the kind of inner work you’d like to do. If you’re uncertain which is best for you, connect with me to talk about it.

what services do you offer?

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My treatment approach uniquely combines somatics, experiential healing, and collaborative guidance. It’s a modern counseling method that draws on the ancient healing techniques of: 

  • Shamanism 
  • Buddhist psychology
  • Transpersonal psychology
  • Energy healing
  • Hypnotherapy 

Some of the healing methods I use in spiritual counseling are similar to modern (and familiar) therapy approaches. For example, the consistent drumming used in shamanic counseling is similar to the external stimulus used during EMDR therapy. 

What kind of treatment approaches or methods do you use in spiritual counseling?

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When you hear “spiritual counseling,” you might think of faith-based healing or religious guidance. But I define Spiritual Counseling as inner work or healing that occurs at the soul-deep level. 

Moving through a significant life change requires a leap of faith into the unknown. So it’s natural to feel:

  • Stuck
  • Blocked
  • Lost
  • Anxious
  • Unfulfilled
  • Uncertain
  • Overwhelmed

With spiritual counseling, I can help you find clarity and decide how you want to move forward in your life. 

what services do you offer?

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Depth Hypnosis is a modern counseling method that combines shamanism, Buddhist psychology, and hypnotherapy. This type of counseling aims to “chill out” your conscious mind so you can tap into your subconscious mind – where your inner power and wisdom live. 

I’ll guide you into a meditative state and talk you through what your mind and body are trying to tell you. Going through this process will help you listen to your inner guidance – and discover how you want to move forward after a major life transition. 

How can Depth Hypnosis help me heal?

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Applied Shamanic Counseling is another modern healing method. It primarily draws on ancient healing techniques from shamanism. The goal of this type of counseling is to use your internal guidance (in whatever form it takes) to find an answer to your questions. 

This healing method is more targeted and focuses on a specific event, emotion, or thought you’re trying to work through. It’s also cumulative – at the beginning of each session, I’ll help you formulate a question based on the previous session’s experience. So you’ll gain healing momentum over time that moves you from feeling stuck or blocked.

How can Applied Shamanic Counseling help me move through life transitions?

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A Shamanic Healing Techniques session is similar to Applied Shamanic Counseling with one key difference: I take a more active role in our session and do most of the energy work. I use my inner guide to help you discover the power and wisdom within yourself during this spiritual counseling.

This healing method also targets and focuses on a specific event, emotion, or thought you’re trying to work through. However, I only recommend this healing method on an as-needed basis because I prefer to take on a passive, guiding role during the healing process — and you’re the only one who knows what’s best for your life.  

How can Shamanic Healing Techniques help me find clarity?

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Yes. In addition to my spiritual counseling services, I also offer:

  • Discovery Calls or Consultations
  • Holistic Health Coaching
  • Plant Medicine Preparation & Integration
  • Healing With Horses

I don’t provide any formal sessions geared specifically toward these services. Instead, I integrate them into my spiritual counseling on an as-needed basis. 

Do you offer any other support or services?

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Yes, I can help with just about every life challenge, event, relationship, thought, or feeling you’re experiencing. Once we have our initial consultation, I can recommend the best service that fits your needs. 

If, for any reason, I’m unable to help you or feel we aren’t a good fit, I will happily recommend another licensed professional for you.

I need help with _____. Is this something you can help me with?

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Over the last five years, I’ve steadily trained and studied at the Foundation of the Sacred Stream under world-renowned teacher Isa Gucciardi Ph.D. My certifications include:

  • Certified Depth Hypnosis Practitioner and Spiritual Counselor
  • Certified Applied Shamanic Practitioner
  • Ordained Minister
  • Certified Plant Medicine Integration Facilitator
  • Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)

I’ve been studying anatomy and working with the human body since I graduated college with a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology. I then focused on the mind-body connection and have been dedicated to it for over five years. 

What kind of training, experience, and certifications do you have?

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As of right now, I can start working with you immediately. I’m able to work with new patients within a week (or less) of our initial consultation. But this could change at any time. 

The best thing to do is connect with me so we can talk about what you’d like help with. Then I can recommend the best time frame for us to begin.

How soon can I start working with you?

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To keep it easy for my clients, I offer consistent pricing for all of my Spiritual Counseling sessions.

$165  per 60 minute session. 
$190 per 75 minute session.

We can talk to determine which amount time may be best for you. 

At this time, all sessions must be paid for at the time of service. I don’t offer deferred payments or accept health insurance plans.

What is the cost per session?

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No, I no longer offer Intuitive Manual Therapy as part of my spiritual counseling practice. 

Do you still offer Intuitive Manual Therapy?

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"Jessica helps me maintain a better quality of life... addressing my pain and injuries. She also educates me about how my body reacts to stress, fatigue, exercise, and aging. Her skill, knowledge, compassion, and sense of humor are essential to my well-being.”

— D. H.

Helpful Resources

When it comes to healing and growth, your inner work doesn’t happen in a bubble or only at specific times. It can take place outside of our spiritual counseling sessions too. So I put together a list of my resources you can use to continue your journey when I’m not with you.

Isa helps us understand conflict – whether it’s within ourselves and/or in our relationships.  

Coming to Peace by Isa Guicciardi

This book is about building resilience in our lives. We all face challenges and have a choice in how we meet them. Pema encourages us to look at patterns rooted in fear and how to meet them with acceptance and compassion. 

The Places That Scare You by Pema Chodron

I credit this book for helping me go down my path of awakening. Brene dares you to look at shame and step into your authentic (and sometimes) messy selves. 

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

This book looks at how trauma is stored in your physical body – and how it has the ability to shape your body and brain. Bessel uses current science and research to show you how you can retrain your nervous system to start healing.

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk

You’ll learn about how society has thought about and treated addiction in the past. Gabor also offers a new paradigm for understanding the root causes of addiction.

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate 

This is a must-read because you’ll learn about how our culture has normalized trauma, leading us down a path of suffering and illness.

The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate 

Hosted by Tara Brach

Tara is a local meditation and Buddhist teacher as well as a therapist in Bethesda, Maryland. Her podcast is a mix of talk and meditation. And she has an amazing ability to bring humor, lightness, and a Buddhist perspective to today’s challenging topics.

Tara Brach Podcast 

Hosted by Tami Simon, Founder of Sounds True

This is a great place for deep thinkers and people who are curious. Tami interviews upcoming authors and speakers who are out in the world trying to raise the level of human consciousness.

Insights at The Edge

Hosted by Dr. Mark Hyman, Founder of Functional Medicine

Dr. Hyman covers all things body, mind, and spirit. He provides amazing and life-transforming information on health and diet.

The Doctor’s Farmacy


This is a series on Netflix, but there’s also a book with the same name. Renowned journalist Michael Pollan takes a deep look into plant medicines and their uses while dispelling myths about them. 


This is a visually stunning and deeply educational movie on the profound healing benefits of mushrooms – both medicinal and psychedelic.



With this ebook, you’ll learn:
✔️ How Depth Hypnosis developed
✔️ What it looks like to work with me
✔️ 9 powerful benefits of this healing technique
✔️ How to get the most out of your sessions

Join my email list today and download your free ebook: 
How Depth Hypnosis Can Transform Your Life.

Want to know more about how Depth Hypnosis can help you work through major life transitions?

* indicates required

Curious about how I got started?

Read more in my bio to learn about my journey to becoming a spiritual counselor and experiential healer.

Want to learn more about my services? 

I put together detailed information about Depth Hypnosis, Shamanic Counseling, and other spiritual counseling services on my services page.

Ready to meet with me?

Head over to my booking page and schedule your free 30-minute discovery call. We’ll talk about what you’re going through and how I can help.

Helping people grow, heal, and nourish all parts of themselves